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Update to the "Shocking content" section of Google Publisher Restrictions

Google Publisher Restrictions Update: An Exception for Gameplay Images

On August 30, 2023, Google made a significant amendment to its Publisher Restrictions that has caught the attention of content creators and digital publishers worldwide.

Google Publisher Restrictions Update: An Exception for Gameplay Images
Update to the "Shocking content" section of Google Publisher Restrictions

In an effort to create a safer online environment and curb shocking content, Google introduced an exception specifically catering to images showing gameplay. Under this new exception, content depicting gameplay will no longer be considered to "contain frightening, cruel, or disgusting context or imagery" or "depict severe acts of violence," with some specific exceptions.

Understanding the Google Publisher Restrictions Amendment

The amendment to Google Publisher Restrictions comes as part of the company's ongoing commitment to combat harmful content and provide users with a more positive online experience. As of the effective date, images displaying gameplay will be exempt from certain restrictions that would otherwise apply to other types of content.

According to the updated guidelines, shocking content refers to material that may invoke fear, cruelty, or disgust in viewers. While violence is often a defining factor for shocking content, the amendment clarifies that in the context of images showing gameplay, violence will not be grounds for restriction unless it involves acts of torture, sexual violence, violence against minors, or depicts violence against prominent real personalities or individuals and groups based on attributes associated with marginalization or systemic discrimination.

The Context of Images Showing Gameplay

The exception granted to images showing gameplay recognizes the unique nature of gaming-related content. In recent years, gaming has risen to become one of the most popular forms of entertainment globally. Millions of players and content consumers engage with gameplay images, videos, and live streams regularly. As a result, gaming content has become a vital part of the online ecosystem, necessitating its separate consideration within content guidelines.

The vast majority of gaming content does not involve real-world violence or explicit brutality. Instead, it centers around virtual scenarios, challenges, and interactions. The distinction between gaming-related content and other forms of shocking content is crucial in understanding the rationale behind the exception.

Content Evaluation Criteria

To better understand the guidelines, it is essential to examine the criteria for evaluating content under the new amendment. While the exception allows for non-restriction of most gaming-related content, it's essential to differentiate between the aspects that warrant restrictions and those that do not.

Content that portrays real-world violence or harm, such as graphic torture or explicit sexual violence, is still subject to restrictions, aligning with Google's commitment to keeping the platform safe. Additionally, violence targeted at minors or based on attributes associated with marginalization or systemic discrimination remains restricted to maintain an inclusive online environment.

Google's Stance on Violence and Marginalization

Google's emphasis on curbing violence against minors and marginalized groups highlights the company's dedication to fostering a more inclusive digital space. By restricting content that perpetuates harm against vulnerable individuals, Google takes a stand against online discrimination and bullying.

The company's policies actively support creators who aim to build a respectful and diverse online community, while simultaneously discouraging content that perpetuates violence and hatred.

Implications for Publishers and Advertisers

The introduction of the exception for gameplay images has significant implications for publishers and advertisers alike. Websites and apps that previously had restricted ads due to the presence of shocking content may now find themselves exempt from these restrictions if their content mainly revolves around gaming.

For publishers who focus on gaming-related content, this update may lead to increased opportunities for ad revenue and audience engagement. As the restrictions on gaming-related content are eased, advertisers looking to promote their products or services in the gaming niche may find more suitable platforms to reach their target audience.

However, publishers should still exercise caution and ensure that their content aligns with Google's guidelines to maintain compliance and avoid any potential negative consequences.

Requesting Review or Reconsideration

If a website or app experiences restricted ads due to the presence of shocking content, but the content primarily involves gaming-related images, they can request a review or reconsideration of their site or app. After August 30, 2023, affected publishers can appeal to Google for a reassessment of their content to potentially regain access to ad revenue.

The review process provides an opportunity for publishers to clarify the nature of their content and demonstrate that it complies with the exception outlined in the amendment.

The Importance of Complying with Google's Policies

As Google continues to refine its content guidelines, compliance becomes more crucial than ever. Adhering to these policies not only ensures that publishers can monetize their content effectively but also helps in building a trustworthy and respectful online presence.

Publishers should take proactive measures to review their content regularly and ensure it aligns with Google's guidelines. By doing so, they contribute to a safer and more enjoyable online environment for users worldwide.


The recent amendment to Google Publisher Restrictions, introducing an exception for images showing gameplay, marks a notable step forward in the company's efforts to provide a safer digital landscape. The new guidelines recognize the unique nature of gaming-related content, differentiating it from other forms of shocking content.

As publishers and advertisers navigate these changes, they must be mindful of the specific criteria outlined in the amendment. Complying with these guidelines will not only safeguard their revenue streams but also contribute to a more inclusive and respectful online space.


Is gaming content entirely exempt from content restrictions under the new guidelines?

  • While gaming content is exempt from certain restrictions, it is essential to remember that the exception primarily applies to violence depicted within the context of gameplay. Content involving real-world violence, torture, sexual violence, or harm towards minors or marginalized groups will still be subject to restrictions.

Can I request a review before the effective date of August 30, 2023?

  • No, the new exception will only come into force on August 30, 2023. Requests for review or reconsideration related to the amendment can be made on or after this date.

How can I ensure that my gaming-related content meets Google's guidelines?

  • Regularly review your content to verify that it aligns with the criteria outlined in the amendment. Avoid depicting real-world violence, harm to minors, or content promoting discrimination to maintain compliance with Google's policies.

What are the potential benefits of the amendment for gaming content creators?

  • The exception for gameplay images may lead to increased opportunities for ad revenue and audience engagement. Advertisers targeting gaming audiences may also find more suitable platforms for their promotions.

Does the exception apply to all types of gaming content, including mature or violent games?

  • The exception mainly focuses on gameplay images and videos. While it may have implications for publishers of mature or violent games, content depicting severe real-world violence will still be restricted. Publishers should be mindful of the context in which violence is portrayed.